A Pair of D&D Homebrew Magic Items

Making homebrew magic items is a lot of fun, here are two refined versions of Magic Items I have made. Use these as inspiration, tweak them as needed, but most importantly have fun!

The Bow and Quiver of the Hunter

These are a pair of homebrew magic items, I have them entombed in 2 separate places honoring the legendary hunter. Going on a quest to retrieve both can be fun! Bonus points if you give it the Curse of the Watchers, as seen in Arcadia 5.

The Bow

Legendary item- requires attunement

+1 longbow

The bow of the hunter is a golden longbow, with a silver string. Etched into it are markings that show the hunter slaying great beasts.

When Attuned to it, on short or long rest the user can choose a specific creature to designate as the “Hunted” (E.G. Human, Tiefling, Dragon, Bear, Goblinoid) any creature with that keyword takes an additional 2d8 damage from arrows shot from the bow.

If combined with the quiver of the hunter, once per day you can take a normal arrow, roll 1d100 and that arrow turns into whatever was rolled.

The Quiver

Rare Item- Requires Attunement

The quiver is a simple leather quiver, with etchings of a small homestead and a woman standing in the door with a baby.
This quiver creates magic arrows, every time an arrow is used it takes 1d6 days to return. The player rolls 1d100 to decide which arrow appears in the quiver

The Quiver is found with 3 arrows rolled from this table.


  • 1-10 A strike of lightning emerges from the bow, combining with the arrow. 1d8 bonus lightning damage.
  • 11-20 A shot of fire lights the arrow on fire. 1d8 bonus fire damage.
  • 21-30 A trio of unalign Mephits shoot towards the enemy instead of an arrow, upon hitting the target they deal 3d4 bludgeoning damage. The mephits attack whoever they where shot at.
  • 31-40 Ice cloaks the arrow and temporarily freezes the target on a failed DC 15 con Save. The target is only frozen until the end of the next round, or fire damage is dealt.
  • 41-50 2d6 poison damage, and on a failed save, DC 15 con save, the damage is dealt for two additional turns. On a successful save the target is not positioned for additional turns.


If you want to, you can use the below only when the Bow and Quiver are united.

  • 51-60 A holy arrow that auto crits on demon’s and devils, but has no affect on any followers of a god chosen by the Player. It is a one time choice. 1d10 bonus radiant damage.
  • 61-70 200 gallons of water spring from the arrow, creating a brief flow of water that sweeps away those unlucky enough to fail the save. DC 15 dex save.
  • 71-80 A large gale of wind emerges from the arrow. Everything not secured is blown 30 feet away from the center. On a sucessful DC 15 con save, any creature caught in it is not moved.
  • 81-85 A strong acid emerges from the arrow and melts through the enemy. 3d6 bonus poison damage.
  • 86-91 The DM chooses a creature type relevant to the campaign, and the arrow deals an additonal 4d6 damage to that creature.
  • 92-94 Casts a third level version of Shatter on the point of impact. DC 15 save.
  • 95-99 Turns the floor into the element of your choice in a 20 foot range. The floor deals 2d6 damage of the element type on a failed dc 15 dex save, or half as much on a sucess.
  • 100 10d10 arrowstorm that deals damage in a 10 foot radius of the target, if the target suceeds on a DC 17 dex save they only take half damage.

Pauldron of Fate

I created this homebrew magic item with inspiration from Birth By Sleep. I am a very simple man who loves anime.

The Item

Requires Attunement- Legendary item

The Pauldron once attuned acts as a +1 armor of the character’s choice.

It is a white pauldron, with the iconography of a major god or religious figure engraved on it. On a DC 15 religion check, they can identify the figure.

The item has an active and deactivated state. To activate or deactivate it the character must touch the pauldron. It does not work if anyone who is not attuned to the armor touches it.

In the deactivated state, the pauldron is the only armor on the player and offers no bonus to AC. If the player dons any other armor, the Pauldron becomes unattuned.

In its active state, the chosen armor appears on the character in a flash and is colored permanently white, and player must be proficient in the type of armor chosen. They can only change the chosen armor on a long rest.

Use These Well!

Have fun with these homebrew magic items! I am really happy to share these fun, unbalanced items. Use them, criticize them, and let me know how it goes! The free nature of D&D allows you to make whatever you want, and wear your inspiration with pride! Go out there, and enjoy life, and come one back here to see what other strange things I have cooked up next.

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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